Prayer Beads - Universal Cross
The simple silver encircled cross is the most ancient cross symbol we know. Found in both early Celtic Christian and Pre-Christian carvings, it is a universal symbol, sacred to many people from cultures everywhere. The cross has been made exclusively for Céile Dé by Rhiannon Jewellers in Wales.
You may also be interested in our instruction CD, "Praying with the Paidirean".
ADD ON - Trinity Knot
If you wish to include this solid silver Trinity Knot in your paidrean design, please add this item into your cart. We offer this as an add-on purchase because the high quality craftsmanship of this item increases the total cost of your paidirean.
Price: £35.00
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Rose Scented Rosewood Paidirean / Universal cross
Since ancient times, the fragrance of Roses has been associated with the sacred. These unstained rosewood beads are left immersed in 100% pure rose damask oil for a whole month.
Price: £130.00
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As well as scenting the beads, the oil gives the naturally pinkish wood a rich, warm colour. The fragrance will perfume your neck and fingers when you wear and use your paidirean.
The overall length of this paidirean is such that it reaches down to the heart.
Bead size - approx. 5mm wide.
Cross size - 21 mm in diameter.
Rose Quartz Paidirean / Universal Cross
This soft-rose shaded semi-precious gemstone is said to activate the heart, which, in the Céile Dé tradition is often called the "virgin womb of our spiriitual re-birth"
Price: £130.00
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The overall length of this paidirean is such that, on most people, it reaches down to just below the heart.
Bead size - approx. 5mm wide.
Cross size - 21 mm in diameter.
Dark Horn Paidirean / Universal Cross
These beads are polished, dark cow horn. There are soft variations in bead colour, ranging from jet black to pale grey. The overall effect is very striking alongside this simple silver cross.
Price: £120.00
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The overall length of this paidirean is such that it reaches down to the heart area.
Bead size - approx. 5mm
Cross size - approx 35 x 60 mm
Anam Choille Paidirean/Universal Cross
Anam Choille means "Soul of the Forest in Gaelic". Amber has long been associated with both healing and the Spiritual Life. These beautiful cognac-coloured beads are always warm to the touch and light weight to wear, which may be why they have always been such a popular choice for prayer beads.
Price: £200.00
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King of The Forest Paidirean / Universal Cross
A paidirean honouring the King of the Forest, the Stag. These beads are carved from antlers that were naturally cast by Stags and so no animal has been harmed in their harvesting. The honey-coloured beads are hard wearing, will last a lifetime and become slightly translucent with frequent use.
Price: £120.00
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